Yakushi-ji Temple

Travel tips you can trust


Why the
Yakushi-ji Temple
is special

This temple in Nara is one of the most renowned and earliest founded in Japan.

Important notice
to visitors

The East Pagoda is undergoing a decade-long renovation (beginning January 2011). During this period it will be veiled by scaffolding. Sorry.

Yakushi-ji Temple
tips & insights

Top 4 structures


Main Hall (Kondo)

East Pagoda (Toto)

East Hall (Toindo)

West Pagoda (Saito)

The celebrated Yakushi Triad statuary is in the Main Hall.

Recently built

Nearly all the Yakushi-ji Temple structures are relatively new. They were rebuilt from the ground up in the last half century. The originals had been destroyed by fire, earthquakes, or warfare at various times. There are two major exceptions:

East Pagoda

This striking pagoda has been standing since the 8th century.

East Hall

It was last reconstructed 750 years ago.

History in brief

The 7th-century Emperor Temmu conceived the idea, but the site was built after his death by the Empress Jito. This was one in the town near Nara. Two decades later the buildings were disassembled then reassembled in Nara, their present location.

Location in Japan

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Japan tips and insights

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Basic Japanese phrases
Japanese cuisine



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