Tom Yam Kung

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Tom Yam Kung
facts and tidbits

How did you come
upon the recipe?

On a pole stuck into the ground in front of a farmhouse that I visited in Thailand was a miniature dwelling no larger than a rural mailbox. It looked like Walt Disney's version of a Siamese dollhouse, extravagantly decorated and floridly painted.

Standing next to this architectural spectacle was my hostess, a woman of classical Thai features: large and bright eyes, long black hair, golden brown skin. She was clad in a colorful, ankle-length silk dress called a panyung, which was tightly wrapped around her hips. Like most of the Thais I met, she had a calm and cheerful personality.

"You're looking at a spirit house," she informed me. "Nearly everyone constructs one of them near the entrance to their home to appease the land spirits. We periodically leave offerings in them, including small bouquets of flowers and steamed rice rolled in banana leaves."

"You're looking at a spirit house," she informed me. "Nearly everyone constructs one of them near the entrance to their home to appease the land spirits. We periodically leave offerings in them, including small bouquets of flowers and steamed rice rolled in banana leaves."



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Nasi Goreng  Indonesia
Osso Buco  Italy
Oyako Donburi  Japan
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Tom Yam Kung  Thailand
Vatapa  Brazil
Yalanci Dolma  Turkey

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