Safari tent

Safari tips you can trust


Confusing the
"tented camp " with the
"campsite" category

Different definitions

"Campsite" accommodations are spartan while "Tented camps" have at least a moderate level of comfort - and some are luxurious.

Staying in a
basic campsite
for the wrong reason

Undesirable featuress

A typical basic campsite has many drawbacks: Small, cramped tents (some with little or no standing room). Uncomfortable cots and chairs. Cold showers. Foul outhouses. 

The only option for some

Such sacrifices make sense to those who truly cannot afford to spend a little more for better accommodations - it's better to go on a basic campsite safari than none at all.

Nonsensical for others

Sadly, some people who can afford more choose a basic campsite tour out of a misguided romantic notion. They think it would be fun to "rough it". They end up being heavy-eyed and tired during their long daily game drives, which are the underlying reason they flew thousands of miles to go on a safari.

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Photo by Joachim Huber - CC BY-SA 2.0


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